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Care College

  • For the purposes of training and further education foreign nationals traveling to Germany or in the EU or Schengen-States (except Austria), foreign nationals living in Germany or Austria and intending to travel abroad temporarily - except to the USA, Canada and Mexico,
  • German and Austrian nationals traveling abroad temporarily – except to the USA, Canada and Mexico.
  • Maximum age upon commencement of coverage: 40.

*Examples: language school participants, foreign students in German preparatory colleges (Studienkolleg), visiting scientists/specialists, DSH preparation course attendees, Work &Travel and Working Holiday travelers.

Insurable persons
Duration of coverage

Minimum contract period: 1 month. Maximum duration of coverage: 5 years (incl. extensions).

Premium overview Care College
Product Care College Basic Care College Comfort Care College Premium
1. - 24.Month /
up to 29 years of age
24.50 EUR 32.00 EUR 48.00 EUR
1. - 24.Month /
30 years +
30.00 EUR 48.00 EUR 75.00 EUR
Starting month 25 /
up to 29 years of age
49.50 EUR 57.00 EUR 73.00 EUR
Starting month 25 /
30 years +
55.00 EUR 73.00 EUR 99.00 EUR
Care College Basic/-Comfort/-Premium - All benefits at a glance*
Health insurance
Benefits* Care College Basic Care College Comfort Care College Premium
outpatient treatment by a doctor Yes Yes Yes
prescription medications and ambulance services Yes Yes Yes
inpatient treatment in the hospital Yes Yes Yes
analgesic dental treatment Yes up to EUR 500.00/ policy year Yes up to EUR 750.00/ policy year Yesup to EUR 1,250.00/ policy year
cost for dental prosthesis (within 2 years of insurance term, qualifying period:8 months) - Yes50 % up to EUR 500.00 Yes70 % up to EUR 1,000.00
accident-related dental prosthesis - Yes up to EUR 1,000.00 Yes up to EUR 2,500.00
prescription accident-related medical aids (basic version) Yesup to EUR 250.00/ policy year Yes up to EUR 500.00/ policy year Yes 100 %
remedies Yesup to EUR 250.00/ policy year Yesup to EUR 500.00/ policy year Yesup to EUR 1,500.00/ policy year
visual aids (up to EUR 100.00, 3 months qualifying period) - - Yes
additional costs for medically advisable repatriation Yesup to EUR 10,000.00 Yes100 % Yes100%
deductible/policy year YesEUR 120.00 no deductible no deductible
costs for treatment acc. GOÄ/GOZ in Germany Yesup to 1.8 times the basic rate in the fee schedule Yesup to 2.3 times the basic rate in the fee schedule Yesup to 2.3 times the basic rate in the fee schedule
world-wide emergency services Yes Yes Yes
extended liability period Yes4 weeks Yes4 weeks Yes8 weeks
repatriation/burial costs in event of death of the insured person Yesup to EUR 25,000.00 Yesup to EUR 25,000.00 Yesup to EUR 25,000.00
worldwide scope of coverage (excl. USA, Canada, Mexico) Yes Yes Yes
insurance coverage in home country (depending on the insurance period) Yes Yes Yes
treatment of mental illnesses (also inpatient) with the exception of psychoanalysis and psychotherapy Yes Yes Yes
insurance card Yesdigital Yesdigital + upon request as plastic card Yesdigital + upon request as plastic card
refund if no claims in one policy year - Yes2 months' premium Yes2 months' premium
sick pay in event of a severe illness/disease upon request: - YesEUR 1,500.00/ policy year YesEUR 2,500.00/ policy year
costs for transport for a visiting family member in case of inpatient treatment at a hospital for more than 14 days - Yes EUR 500.00 Yes EUR 1,250.00
daily hospital allowance (all in EUR 100.00 for hospital stays exceeding 14 days) - - Yes

*For a complete list of benefits please see the insurance terms and conditions.