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Care Student

Insurable persons
Students who are enrolled at state, state-recognized or private universities in the Federal Republic of Germany as well as students of preparatory courses, language school participants and interns are insured if the language course or internship is a prerequisite for taking up a course of study. School students and doctoral students are also insured. Insured persons who are obligated to pay into the social security system also receive mandatory long-term care insurance.
Entry age: 12 to 34 years old.

Scope of insurance coverage

The health insurance Care Student applies during the stay

  • within Germany
  • furthermore within Europe
  • plus coverage in the first month of each trip also worldwide

Care Student - All benefits at a glance*
Health insurance
Benefits* Care Student
Outpatient treatment by a doctor Ja
Inpatient treatment at a hospital (standard care class - multiple-bed rooms - no optional benefits) Ja
Prescription medications and transportation Ja
gynecological examinations and treatment Ja
Costs for treatment acc. to GOÄ/GOZ Jaup to 2.3 times the basic rate
Pregnancy examinations and treatments, delivery Ja
Dental treatment Jaup to EUR 500.00, thereafter 50% per calendar year
Dental prosthesis and orthodontics Ja50 % up to EUR 500.00 per calendar year
Medical aids and remedies (therapies: light, physical, ergo, speech, massage) Ja
Psychotherapy (outpatient) Jaat 70%, max. 50 meetings per calendar year
Daily hospital allowance (from the 15th day of a medically necessary hospital stay) JaEUR 25.00 EUR per day, max. 20 days per calendar year
Convalescence allowance (for a hospital stay of 14 days and subsequent incapacity for work, at least 90 calendar days total) JaEUR 1,500.00
Coverage in home country/abroad JaEurope; non-European countries in the first month of each trip
Deductible JaEUR 300.00 per calendar year
Guarantee of continued coverage Ja
Premium guarantee for the entire duration of coverage** Ja

*For a complete list of benefits see the general terms and conditions of insurance as well as the specific conditions for your rate.
**Applies only to health insurance, not to mandatory long-term care insurance. Exception: There is a jump in the premium at the age of 30.

Premium list private health insurance Care Student
Age Health insurance for students Nursing insurance for students Total
12-29 Years 69,62 € / Month 25,97 € / Month 95,59 € / Month
30-34 Years 95,68 € / Month 25,97 € / Month 121,65 € / Month

*The compulsory nursing care insurance is only due for persons who are subject to compulsory social insurance (e.g. registered students).