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Health and nursing care insurance for empoyees

As an employee with a salary of more than 538 euros, you need health and nursing care insurance coverage in Germany.

  TK dak


 Krankenversicherung (Arbeitgeberanteil 50 %) 17,05 % (8,525 %) 17,4 % (8,7 %) 18,39 % (9,2 %)
 Pflegeversicherung (Arbeitgeberanteil 50 %)
Beitragszuschlag für Kinderlose ab 23 Jahre
3,6 % (1,8 %)
0,6 %
3,6 % (1,8 %)
0,6 %
3,6 % (1,8 %)
0,6 %
Rentenversicherung (Arbeitgeberanteil 50 %) 18,6 % (9,3 %) 18,6 % (9,3 %) 18,6 % (9,3 %)
Arbeitslosenversicherung (Arbeitgeberanteil 50 %) 2,6 % (1,3 %) 2,6 % (1,3 %) 2,6 % (1,3 %)
Benefits & Services      
Outpatient treatment by a doctor      
Inpatient treatment at a hospital (standard care class - multiple-bed rooms - no optional benefits)  Deductible 10 €
per day max. 28 days
 Deductible 10 €
per day max. 28 days
 Deductible 10 €
per day max. 28 days
Prescription medications and transportation  Deductible 10 % max 10 €  Deductible 10 % max 10 €  Deductible 10 % max 10 €
Examinations and treatment by gynaecologists      
Dental treatment      
Dental prosthesis and orthodontics   It depends on what is done   It depends on what is done    It depends on what is done 
Medical aids and remedies (therapies: light, physical, ergo, speech, massage)  Deductible approx. 15 %  Deductible approx. 15 %  Deductible approx. 15 %
Psychotherapy (outpatient)      
HPV-Vaccination   up to 26 years   up to 17 years   up to 17 years
Professional tooth cleaning   up to 40 Euro   up to 60 Euro   up to 50 Euro
Coverage in home country/abroad  Europe   Europe   Europe
Deductible   (Depending on benefits)   (Depending on benefits)   (Depending on benefits)
Guarantee of continued coverage      

*Applies only to health insurance, not to the compulsory long-term care insurance. Except age group jump to 30th birthday in health insurance.